-SPP: Science and Public Policy
*Antia Engels, Matthijs Hisschenmöller and Konrad von Moltke. SPP, 33(7), August 2006, 519-528. "When supply meets demandm yet no market emerges: the contribution of intergrated environmental assessment to the rationalisation of EU environmental Policy-making"
説明:気候変動に関する政府間パネル(IPCC)に基づいた、欧州委員会による環境アセスメント「統合型環境アセスメントに関する欧州フォーラム・ EFIEA(European Forum of Integrated Environment Assessment)」へのアクター参加者のアセスメント過程をデマンド・サプライの調整から考察したもの。
*Alfons Bora and Heiko Hausendorf. SPP, 33(7), August 2006, 478-488. "Participatory science governance revisited: normative expectations versus empirical evidence"
-STHV: Science, Technology & Human Values
*Rick Welsh and David E. Ervin. STHV, 31(2), March 2006, 153-172. "Precaution as an Approach to Technology Development - The case of Transgenic Crops"
-SSS: Social Studies of Science
*Javier Lezaun. SSS, 36(4), August 2006, 499-531. "Creating a New Object of Government - Making Genetically Modified Organisms Traceable"
-PUS: Public Understanding of Science
*Nick Wright and Brigitte Nerlich. PUS, 15 (2006), 331-342. "Use of the deficit model in a shared culture of argumentation: the case of foot and mouth science"
-PS: Policy Science
*Mans Nilsson. PS, 38 (2006), 225-249. "The role of assessments and institutions for policy learning: A study on Swedish climate and nuclear policy formation"
説明:スェーデンにおける総合的環境政策(EPI:Environmental Polcy Integration)を導入として、CO2削減と炭素税施行のようす、原子力政策がEPIへ適用していく様子を記述したもの。
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