Trans-, inter-, multi-, and cross- disciplinary research coordination: Targeting the G8 STP by EU commission
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Lecture des articles
-Novotony, Helga, Peter Scott and Michel Gibbons 2001. Rethinking Science : Knowledge and the Public in an Age of Uncertainty. Cambridge MA: Polity Press.
-Jasanoff, Sheila 1990. The Fifth Branch: Science Advisers as Policy makers. Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press.
-Giddens, Anthony 1984. The Constitution of Society: Outline of the Theory of Structuration. Cambridge: Polity.
-Bucchi, Massimiano 1998. Science and the Media: Alternative Routes in Scientific Communication. London: Routledge.
-Irwin, A. 1995. Citizen Science: A study of People, Expertise and Sustainable Development. London: Routledge.
-Irwin, A. and Brian Wynne 1996. Misunderstanding Science: The Public Reconstruction of Science and Technology. London: Routledge.
-Barber, Benjamin R 1984. Strong Democracy: Participatory Politics for a new Age. Berkeley CA: University of California Press.
-Durant, John, Martin W Bauer and George Gaskell eds. 1998. Biotechnology in the Public Sphere: a European Sourcebook. London: Science Museum.
-Ezrahi, Yaron 1990. Descent of Icarus: Science and the Transformation of Contemporary Democracy. Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press.
-Fuller, Steve 2000. The Governance of Science: Ideology and the Future of the Open Society. Buckingham: Open University Press.
-Grote, Jürgen R and Bernard Gbikpi eds. 2002. Participatory Governance. Political and Societal Implicaitons. Opladen: Leske and Budrich.
-Hausendorf, Heiko and Alfons Bora eds. 2006. Analysing Citizenship Talk. Social Positionning in Political and Legal Decision-making Processes. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
-Joss, Simon and Sergio Bellucci eds. 2002. Participatory Technology Assessment. European Perspectives. London: University of Minster.
-Kitcher, Philip 2001. Science, Truth and Democracy. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
-Kleinman, Daniel L ed. 2000. Science, Technology and Democracy. Albany: SUNY Press.
-Sclove, Richard E 1995. Democracy and Technology. New York. Guilford Press.
-Barry, Andrew 2001. “Political Machines: Governing a Technological Society” London: Athlone Presse
-Bauer, Martin & George Gaskell 2002. “Biotechnology: The Making of a Global Controversy” Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
-Bowkerm Geoffrey C. & Susan Star 2000. “Sorting Things Out: Classification and its Consequences” Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
-Fox Keller, Evelyn 2002. “The Century of the Gene” Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
-Gottweis, Herbert 1998. Governing Molecules: the Discursive Politics of Genetic Engineering in Europe and the United States” Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
-Jasanoff, Sheila 2005. “Design of Nature: Science and Democracy in Europe and United States” Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
-Kohler, Robert E. 1994. “Lords of the Fly: Drosophila Genetics and the Experimental Life” Chicago, IL & London: University of Chicago Press.
-Krimsky, Sheldon 1984. “Genetic Alchemy: The Social History of the Recombinant DNA Controversy” Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
-Latour, Bruno 1987. “Pandora’s Hope: Essays on the Reality of Science Studies” Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
-Rabinow, Paul 1996. “Making PCR: A Story of Biotechnology” Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.
-Wright, Susan 1994. “Molecular Politics: Developing American and British Regulatory Policy for Genetics Engineeringm 1972-1982” Chicago, Il: University of Chicago Press.
-Novotony, Helga 2003. Democratizing expertise and socially robust knowledge. Science and Public Policy, 30(3), June, 151-156.
-Jasanoff, Sheila 2004. Science and citizenship: a new synergy. Science and Public Policy, 31(2), April, 90-94.
-Novotony, Helga, Peter Scott and Michel Gibbons 2001. Rethinking Science : Knowledge and the Public in an Age of Uncertainty. Cambridge MA: Polity Press.
-Jasanoff, Sheila 1990. The Fifth Branch: Science Advisers as Policy makers. Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press.
-Giddens, Anthony 1984. The Constitution of Society: Outline of the Theory of Structuration. Cambridge: Polity.
-Bucchi, Massimiano 1998. Science and the Media: Alternative Routes in Scientific Communication. London: Routledge.
-Irwin, A. 1995. Citizen Science: A study of People, Expertise and Sustainable Development. London: Routledge.
-Irwin, A. and Brian Wynne 1996. Misunderstanding Science: The Public Reconstruction of Science and Technology. London: Routledge.
-Barber, Benjamin R 1984. Strong Democracy: Participatory Politics for a new Age. Berkeley CA: University of California Press.
-Durant, John, Martin W Bauer and George Gaskell eds. 1998. Biotechnology in the Public Sphere: a European Sourcebook. London: Science Museum.
-Ezrahi, Yaron 1990. Descent of Icarus: Science and the Transformation of Contemporary Democracy. Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press.
-Fuller, Steve 2000. The Governance of Science: Ideology and the Future of the Open Society. Buckingham: Open University Press.
-Grote, Jürgen R and Bernard Gbikpi eds. 2002. Participatory Governance. Political and Societal Implicaitons. Opladen: Leske and Budrich.
-Hausendorf, Heiko and Alfons Bora eds. 2006. Analysing Citizenship Talk. Social Positionning in Political and Legal Decision-making Processes. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
-Joss, Simon and Sergio Bellucci eds. 2002. Participatory Technology Assessment. European Perspectives. London: University of Minster.
-Kitcher, Philip 2001. Science, Truth and Democracy. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
-Kleinman, Daniel L ed. 2000. Science, Technology and Democracy. Albany: SUNY Press.
-Sclove, Richard E 1995. Democracy and Technology. New York. Guilford Press.
-Barry, Andrew 2001. “Political Machines: Governing a Technological Society” London: Athlone Presse
-Bauer, Martin & George Gaskell 2002. “Biotechnology: The Making of a Global Controversy” Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
-Bowkerm Geoffrey C. & Susan Star 2000. “Sorting Things Out: Classification and its Consequences” Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
-Fox Keller, Evelyn 2002. “The Century of the Gene” Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
-Gottweis, Herbert 1998. Governing Molecules: the Discursive Politics of Genetic Engineering in Europe and the United States” Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
-Jasanoff, Sheila 2005. “Design of Nature: Science and Democracy in Europe and United States” Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
-Kohler, Robert E. 1994. “Lords of the Fly: Drosophila Genetics and the Experimental Life” Chicago, IL & London: University of Chicago Press.
-Krimsky, Sheldon 1984. “Genetic Alchemy: The Social History of the Recombinant DNA Controversy” Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
-Latour, Bruno 1987. “Pandora’s Hope: Essays on the Reality of Science Studies” Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
-Rabinow, Paul 1996. “Making PCR: A Story of Biotechnology” Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.
-Wright, Susan 1994. “Molecular Politics: Developing American and British Regulatory Policy for Genetics Engineeringm 1972-1982” Chicago, Il: University of Chicago Press.
-Novotony, Helga 2003. Democratizing expertise and socially robust knowledge. Science and Public Policy, 30(3), June, 151-156.
-Jasanoff, Sheila 2004. Science and citizenship: a new synergy. Science and Public Policy, 31(2), April, 90-94.
Les articles typiques à étudier en lecture
-SPP: Science and Public Policy
*Antia Engels, Matthijs Hisschenmöller and Konrad von Moltke. SPP, 33(7), August 2006, 519-528. "When supply meets demandm yet no market emerges: the contribution of intergrated environmental assessment to the rationalisation of EU environmental Policy-making"
説明:気候変動に関する政府間パネル(IPCC)に基づいた、欧州委員会による環境アセスメント「統合型環境アセスメントに関する欧州フォーラム・ EFIEA(European Forum of Integrated Environment Assessment)」へのアクター参加者のアセスメント過程をデマンド・サプライの調整から考察したもの。
*Alfons Bora and Heiko Hausendorf. SPP, 33(7), August 2006, 478-488. "Participatory science governance revisited: normative expectations versus empirical evidence"
-STHV: Science, Technology & Human Values
*Rick Welsh and David E. Ervin. STHV, 31(2), March 2006, 153-172. "Precaution as an Approach to Technology Development - The case of Transgenic Crops"
-SSS: Social Studies of Science
*Javier Lezaun. SSS, 36(4), August 2006, 499-531. "Creating a New Object of Government - Making Genetically Modified Organisms Traceable"
-PUS: Public Understanding of Science
*Nick Wright and Brigitte Nerlich. PUS, 15 (2006), 331-342. "Use of the deficit model in a shared culture of argumentation: the case of foot and mouth science"
-PS: Policy Science
*Mans Nilsson. PS, 38 (2006), 225-249. "The role of assessments and institutions for policy learning: A study on Swedish climate and nuclear policy formation"
説明:スェーデンにおける総合的環境政策(EPI:Environmental Polcy Integration)を導入として、CO2削減と炭素税施行のようす、原子力政策がEPIへ適用していく様子を記述したもの。
-SPP: Science and Public Policy
*Antia Engels, Matthijs Hisschenmöller and Konrad von Moltke. SPP, 33(7), August 2006, 519-528. "When supply meets demandm yet no market emerges: the contribution of intergrated environmental assessment to the rationalisation of EU environmental Policy-making"
説明:気候変動に関する政府間パネル(IPCC)に基づいた、欧州委員会による環境アセスメント「統合型環境アセスメントに関する欧州フォーラム・ EFIEA(European Forum of Integrated Environment Assessment)」へのアクター参加者のアセスメント過程をデマンド・サプライの調整から考察したもの。
*Alfons Bora and Heiko Hausendorf. SPP, 33(7), August 2006, 478-488. "Participatory science governance revisited: normative expectations versus empirical evidence"
-STHV: Science, Technology & Human Values
*Rick Welsh and David E. Ervin. STHV, 31(2), March 2006, 153-172. "Precaution as an Approach to Technology Development - The case of Transgenic Crops"
-SSS: Social Studies of Science
*Javier Lezaun. SSS, 36(4), August 2006, 499-531. "Creating a New Object of Government - Making Genetically Modified Organisms Traceable"
-PUS: Public Understanding of Science
*Nick Wright and Brigitte Nerlich. PUS, 15 (2006), 331-342. "Use of the deficit model in a shared culture of argumentation: the case of foot and mouth science"
-PS: Policy Science
*Mans Nilsson. PS, 38 (2006), 225-249. "The role of assessments and institutions for policy learning: A study on Swedish climate and nuclear policy formation"
説明:スェーデンにおける総合的環境政策(EPI:Environmental Polcy Integration)を導入として、CO2削減と炭素税施行のようす、原子力政策がEPIへ適用していく様子を記述したもの。
Le catégorie et le genre de l'étude
*Etude la Policy de la Science et de la Technologie 科学技術政策研究
-SPP: Science and Public Policy
Beech Tree Publishing
-RE: Research Evaluation
Beech Tree Publishing
-TFSC: Technological Forecasting & Social Change
Elsevier Publications
* Etude de la Science de Comunication サイエンスコミュニケーション研究
-STHV: Science, Technology & Human Values
SAGE Publications
-SSS: Social Studies of Science
SAGE Publications
-BSTS: Bulletin of Science Technology & Society
SAGE Publications
-SC: Science Communication
SAGE Publications
-PUS: Public Understanding of Science
SAGE Publications
* Etude de la gestion des technologies 技術経営分野
-Technovation: Technovation
Elsevier Publishers
-IJTM: International Journal of Technology Management
-IJIM: International Journal of Innovation Management
Imperial College Press
-IJIO: International Journal of Industrial Organization
Elsevier Publications
* Etude de la politique public 公共政策研究
-PS: Policy Science
Springer Verlag
-RP: Research Policy
Elsevier Publications
-JPP: Journal of Public Policy
Cambridge University Press http://www.journals.cambridge.or/jid_PUP
-PAM: Policy Analysis and Management
Wiley Publishers
* Etude de l'organisation 組織研究
-MS: Management Science
-OS: Organization Science
-JMS: Journal of Management Studies
Blackwell Publishing
-SPP: Science and Public Policy
Beech Tree Publishing
-RE: Research Evaluation
Beech Tree Publishing
-TFSC: Technological Forecasting & Social Change
Elsevier Publications
* Etude de la Science de Comunication サイエンスコミュニケーション研究
-STHV: Science, Technology & Human Values
SAGE Publications
-SSS: Social Studies of Science
SAGE Publications
-BSTS: Bulletin of Science Technology & Society
SAGE Publications
-SC: Science Communication
SAGE Publications
-PUS: Public Understanding of Science
SAGE Publications
* Etude de la gestion des technologies 技術経営分野
-Technovation: Technovation
Elsevier Publishers
-IJTM: International Journal of Technology Management
-IJIM: International Journal of Innovation Management
Imperial College Press
-IJIO: International Journal of Industrial Organization
Elsevier Publications
* Etude de la politique public 公共政策研究
-PS: Policy Science
Springer Verlag
-RP: Research Policy
Elsevier Publications
-JPP: Journal of Public Policy
Cambridge University Press http://www.journals.cambridge.or/jid_PUP
-PAM: Policy Analysis and Management
Wiley Publishers
* Etude de l'organisation 組織研究
-MS: Management Science
-OS: Organization Science
-JMS: Journal of Management Studies
Blackwell Publishing
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